Starpoint Law: A Wage and Hour Lawyer Sherman Oaks Employees Can Count on to Fight for Justice 

Has your hard work not only gone unappreciated by your employer but exploited? Being shortchanged by your boss can be not only a financial blow but an emotional one. 

Whether it’s unpaid overtime, missing wages, denied breaks, or misclassification, these injustices can take a toll. You might be wondering if these actions are illegal or just unethical. The answer is both!

While figuring out your rights in the workplace can be confusing and overwhelming, Sherman Oaks employees have some of the strongest labor projections in the US. Still, employers try to bend the rules to save money hoping employees won’t notice, or won’t push back when they do.

You shouldn’t stand for this. Our skilled wage and hour attorney in Sherman Oaks is eager to learn about the mistreatment you’ve endured and show you what type of compensation you could be entitled to. 

Starpoint Law has become known as the #1 wage and hour law Sherman Oaks employees have access to because of our track record of success and our reputation for friendly, helpful service from A to Z. Contact us today for a free consultation to take the first step toward justice!

What Laws Protect Sherman Oaks Employees From Wage and Hour Violations?

Wage and hour law is convoluted, which is why violations of these laws often go uncontested. You might not even realize anything illegal has happened if you don’t know your rights and you’re not paying close attention.

The truth is, California boasts some of the strictest labor laws in the country when it comes to overtime payment, breaks, employee classification, and more. Here are some of the situations that call for a conversation with a wage and hour lawyer in Sherman Oaks.

California Minimum Wage Laws

California’s minimum wage is far higher than the Federal minimum wage at $16/hour. But, certain local ordinances in Los Angeles will take precedence over the state-mandated minimum wage.

While your boss in Sherman Oaks might try to avoid it, they’re obligated to pay whatever the highest applicable rate is. Employers in industries where tipping is common cannot count your tips towards your minimum wage, either.

Overtime Laws Under California Labor Code

Although they’re fairly straightforward, California overtime laws are constantly misused. Non-exempt employees (which is what most of Sherman Oaks’ workforce consists of) are entitled to 1.5x their hourly rate if they work:

  • More than 8 hours in a workday.
  • More than 40 hours in a workweek.
  • The first 8 hours worked on the seventh consecutive day in a workweek.

This turns into a double-time rate anytime the employee works more than 12 hours in a day or more than 8 hours on the seventh consecutive day in a workweek.

Meal and Rest Break Laws

Employees working more than 5 hours must receive a 30-minute unpaid meal break. If employees work more than 10 hours they get another 30-minute meal break. All employees get a 10-minute paid rest break for every 4 hours worked.

Employers commonly deny breaks or encourage workers to push it back to finish a task up, but this is a violation of California’s labor code as well. Any break violations could result in another hour of pay with the right wage and hour lawyer in Sherman Oaks on your side.

Worker Classification Under AB-5

California Assembly Bill 5 (AB-5) takes aim at a common tactic employers use to avoid affording their workers wage and hour protections: misclassification. 

Unless you meet a very strict set of criteria for what constitutes an “exempt” employee, you cannot be misclassified as an independent contractor. Your boss must provide you benefits and overtime pay.

California Wage Theft Protection Act

Wage theft is still more common than it should be, but the California Wage Theft Protection Act seeks to minimize its occurrence. 

It states that employers have to give written wage statements that outline pay rate, hours worked, deductions, and employer details. Failing to pay on time or miscalculating wages carries legal penalties for the employer, and compensation for the employee.

Retaliation Protections

Don’t let the fear of retaliation in your workplace deter you from reaching out to a wage and hour attorney in Sherman Oaks. You cannot be fired, demoted, or harassed for reporting wage violations.

If retaliation does occur, your wage and hour lawyer in Sherman Oaks can help you pursue additional legal claims for wrongful termination and damages.

Forms of Compensation You Could Be Entitled to for Wage and Hour Law Breaches

So why connect with a wage and hour attorney in Sherman Oaks, what could you potentially gain to make up for the financial harm and legal violations you’ve endured? It depends on the specific violation and the toll it took on you.

  • Unpaid Wages: Employers withholding regular pay entitles you to recover those wages in full, plus interest.
  • Unpaid Overtime Compensation: Employees who were denied overtime pay can recover 1.5x or 2x their normal hourly rate for all unpaid overtime hours worked.
  • Meal and Rest Break Penalties: You’re owed one extra hour of pay per violation for every denied or interrupted meal/rest break.
  • Waiting Time Penalties: If an employer fails to provide a final paycheck on time, they may owe the employee up to 30 days' worth of wages.
  • Liquidated Damages: Some violations allow employees to recover double the unpaid wages, particularly in minimum wage disputes.
  • Emotional Distress and Retaliation Damages: Employees who suffered harassment, wrongful termination, or emotional harm may be eligible for additional financial compensation.

The only way for us to give you a better sense of what you could be entitled to is discussing the specifics of your situation. Our wage and hour lawyer in Sherman Oaks is ready to help you take the next steps!

Let Our Wage and Hour Attorney in Sherman Oaks Battle on Your Behalf!

Pursuing a wage claim alone can be intimidating, especially when facing a corporate legal team or an uncooperative employer. But you shouldn’t go through this on your own when expert legal assistance is a click or call away at Starpoint Law.

Our team brings decades of experience in winning cases for Sherman Oaks employees, with a results-driven approach that helps our clients recover every penny they’re owed.

Whether you’ve been denied overtime, misclassified, or underpaid, let’s work together to hold your employer accountable and secure the maximum compensation possible.

You can trust us if you need a wage and hour attorney in Sherman Oaks, but the trust is, we’re proud to serve the entire area with the same commitment. Here are some other cities we’re proud to serve:

Starpoint Law has come to be known as the best employment lawyer in Sherman Oaks for any type of dispute in the workplace. So whether you need a wage and hour lawyer in Sherman Oaks, a disability discrimination lawyer in Sherman Oaks, or a pregnancy discrimination lawyer in Sherman Oaks, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team. A consultation is free! 

Frequently Asked Questions for Our Wage and Hour Attorney in Sherman Oaks

What’s the 72-Hour Rule in California?

If an employee quits without notice, their employer must issue their final paycheck within 72 hours. If proper notice is given, final wages are due on the last day worked. This is a separate law, but if you’re terminated by your employer, you must be given your final paycheck that day.

What’s the 7-Minute Rule in California?

Employers must round clock-in and clock-out times fairly. If a worker punches in within 7 minutes of their start time, employers cannot round down and refuse to pay for worked minutes, no matter how marginal the pay may be.

Is There a Statute of Limitations for Wage and Hour Law Violations in Sherman Oaks?

Yes, which is why connecting with a wage and hour attorney in Sherman Oaks in a timely manner is so important. The different wage and hour violations are subject to separate statutes of limitations: 

  • 3 years to file for unpaid wages and overtime.
  • 4 years for breach of contract claims.
  • 6 months to file a complaint with the Labor Commissioner for retaliation claims.

How Do I Make a Compelling Case to Earn Maximum Compensation?

Evidence is essential. Gather pay stubs, timecards, emails, and witness testimony showing wage violations. But what really sets you up for success is connecting with an experienced wage and hour lawyer in Sherman Oaks.

We can strengthen your claim, calculate full damages, and fight for every dollar you deserve. It doesn’t cost a dime to learn more, so what are you waiting for? Reach out for a free consultation today.